Adan and Eve, we can infer by the text of Genesis, chapiter 2 and 3 were phisically naked. But a kind of light the covered, so that when they had sex not have to take no clothes, for phisically were already naked (Genesis 2:25) .
But on of the light consistently covered, so when filling the earth no one would see the nakedness of another, unless the epouse with his wife, this light would be something like the phenomenon of FOTOGÊNESE radiating light body as with Moses (Exodus 34.29-30) and Jesus (Matthew 17.2).
The work "SCHOLLMASTER" on page 59, considers the lack of modesty the decline of the Romans. The fact that Adam "FIND" that was naked. Not indicate that this was this was the situation that he is above, but is was like it was in the robe of light, It follows that when he and Eve sinned in the light was extinguished and then he saw themselves naked, and the feeling was first for shame, for fear of God left embarrassment. Why until today when the christian dress public nuisance, his conscience accused as accusing her of Adam.

Humans do not know to dress as the will of God, sin is symbolized by NUDITY. Unlike the sanctification which is symbolized by long robes. Adan and Eve after sin, the most been made shorts, mini skirts, but God showed how they would dress..
Scripture says what God made, shortly after the men have sinned, Adam and Eve improvised aprons made with leaves, but Yaweh God as act of redemption made coats for humans.